Chubb Time Trial

Greetings to you, the loyal Team Seagal Fan.

So there's been a fair amount of buzz regarding the times that people are putting in at Chubb, out-and-back. For example, Dwayne Goscinski riding his DeLorean, I mean mountain, bike for an out-and-back time of less than one fucking hour. A lot of us over here at the Team Seagal compound have thought about how badass it would be to host a time trial over there. Well, to quote Furby, while everyone else is talking about it, we're actually doing it. That's right, prepare your minds for a revisiting of those glorious time trial days. The difference this time is that there won't nice things like "prizes," "schwag," or "production value." This race has to be kept unofficial, unsanctioned, unpaid. That way no one is held "accountable." We may even have beer at the end - if you bring it! The only more mountain biking event more grassroots than this one would have been attended by Charlie Cunningham, Gary Fisher, Tom Ritchey, etc.. was held almost 30 years ago, and took place in California.

Here is the preliminary info, none of which is set in stone yet - keep checking back here every couple of minutes for official updated information on this race (which is not actually official):

Course: Starting at the Lone Elk trailhead, go straight to West Tyson via the main trail, stay on the new connector that GORC recently put in next to the pavilion, then turn and go UP the Flint Quarry Trail. Turn right at the picnic bench, descend to the RR crossing, and head straight back to the Lone Elk trailhead. Do no take the train tracks back, unless you are in the process of dying and time is a factor.

When: Most likely Sunday, Oct. 28, time is TBA. Probably in the morning. This way there is plenty of time to recover from Burnin', and Spanish Lake.

Format: Format? You'll be given a Sharpie, a paper plate, and some twist-ties. Someone will have a clipboard with a pen, and a stopwatch/sundial. They'll say "go." That's it. If you have a better, more accurate way of keeping time, feel free to bring it. Other than that, just show up ahead of time to tell us your name and get a number.

Why: Supreme StLBiking Message Board Bragging Rights, of course. You won't be walking away with money from this race, unless you find a penny in the parking lot; in which case, I probably dropped the penny, and give me back my penny.

Who: Team Seagal's event, but anyone can race. Tell your friends, and tell them to race.

Finally, here's a video that will get you super-pumped! It's an homage to Steven Seagal, and the pain he rains down from the heavens.


Anonymous said...

I think at the "turn around" point or on the connector we should place a bucket of goodies, one of which you must return with to verify your cosmic trip. Maybe a jade monkey or a crunchy star!

I am Dwayne Goscinski said...

A week later would be superb, have a feeling I will be a little hung over, but it wouldnt be the first time I puked in my mouth while riding! This will have to be a annual ending of the race season tradition... let me know what I can help with. one possable bad thing though, A guy who organized the KTR this year did it like this, and ended up paying a big fine. but everybody was cool enough to give him a few bucks to cover and all was well..

Brian said...

Hikers and other recreationals will think that we are shoving ourselves in their faces with the number plates twisty tied to our carbon fiber over-sized handlebars. I propose we fly under the radar. Perhaps, by applying permanent marker to our legs. Tri-cool!

Davey B said...

my second lap today was 1:02:30

not bad for me but that would probably put D-wayne or Chris in at 57-58 I would guess?