24 Hours of Landahl is here

Greetings, loyal Team Seagal Fan. This weekend marks the 1 Year Aniversary our consistently superior team of badasses. I sure would like to tally up the number of wrists that have been snapped along the way, but that would be an exercise in extreme futility - much like trying to quantify the extremeness in a can of Dew. The 24 Hours of Landahl Race is upon us, and much to our dismay, the competition is fewer and further between that we had hoped. For a race as thoroughly badass as this one, we are concerned that there aren't enough participants to ensure that this event will continue to be around for us to dominate in the future. The only possible explanation for YOU not coming out to the race is that you are probably too busy doing this:
We (Mason Storm, Gino Felino, Marshall Lawson, and Casey Ryback) won't be doing that. Instead we'll be drinking heavily, and doing this to the competition:Watch out that you don't get in the way of our tires' trail of tumultuous tenacity. We hope that the only rain that shows up is the pain that will be raining down from our handlebar heavens. It should prove to be a weekend full of brat burgers, beer, bumps, bicycles, badass-ness, ballers, balloon tires, breaking stuff, barfing, bragging rights, being on the brink, bone-snapping, bombing over branches, breaking wind, bearings, bottom brackets, buffoonery, blissful back-and-forth bantor, and, well... TOTAL VICTORY.

Here is an artist's rendering of us winning on Sunday:
To our competition, and to all of those racers NOT racing this weekend (A.K.A. "weaksauce"), we'll leave you with the immortal words of Ivan Drago: "You will lose."

C. Ryback

P.S. Stay tuned for Burnin' at the Bluff.

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