Syllamo's Awaits

Yes, the Hell of the South is awaiting our arrival. It beckons, taunting us with promises of "heinous epicnicity." As the weather forecast for the area looks promising, the only real promise is that of PAIN.

...a pain NOT at all like watching this fucking video:

But rather, a pain that is much more respectable, and much more badass, like when Matrix killed Sully:

Prepare your minds, and t'aints, because it's gonna be a total "bro"-down. We will be "bro"-tally "bro"-fessional when tackling this race. We'll be like gods descending from Mt. "Bro"-lympus onto the trails - "Bro"-seidon, King of the "Bro"-cean. You won't find us doping at this race, though potential ("bro"-tential?) "bro"-ping will be happening.

-C. Fucking R.


Wendy Davis said...

Sh*t! Is that this weekend?

Casey Ryback said...

HAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHA I TOLD you it was painful...


Doctor said...

Is jenkem considered broping? Syllamo's will get revenge on your taint!!1 JERKS!!!

Mr. Kleinman the 3rd said...

The only way that video cold be more painful would be showing chris angel demonstrating how to urinate all over a tri bike while listening to nickelback