Before we continue, please view the following 29 second video clip which you may recall from times past:
The above video sequence was intended to provide all of the explanations you may soon require. What exactly am I talking about? To obtain clarity please view the following photos taken last Sunday April 18, 2010:

To re-cap briefly, you are g*d-damn right I'll be at Syllamo's next Saturday May 1. I will be joined by four other Seagal Soldiers, aka Bad-Ass Dudes. Look for us there, we'll probably give you an ice cold PBR.
I am healing up crazy-fast, some rumors are going around that I might really be spider-man.
Eddie glad to hear you are doing well and ok. What is that about 10 stitches?
Scott Nelson that fork for sale? Heal up Jerk and see you in Arkansas
get well soon jerkwad
What the who what!?! Glad to hear you're healing up brother.
What exactly is that getting sewn up, your neck?
i slipped a disk just looking at the bike. how many foot pounds did it take to sheer it in two? or was it was being stunted at the figure 8's?
Hope you're doing ok and heal the hell up quick for summer good time riding.
Amazing how the power in those quads has the ablility to not only snap wrists on the climbs but snap frames as well. Heal up and we know you will kick ass at Syllamo, Steven Seagal would. Jerk.
That sheet looks like one the orthodox sects use when having sex. Good thing the mustache is gone or some emergency room interm might have tried to mount you.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - wrong finger.
Now all you jerks watch this video:
Nico-I am happy to hear that you are healing quickly. You will inflict much pain on the wrists of your competitors in Arkansas. Good luck everyone!
And even more Jerk videos to make Nico laugh -
The Seagals are migrating to the ER coming off of winter. This is unusual behavior for this species and must stop.
PS. You should've seen the other guy
Glad you ok for the most part.
You snapped that Kona's wrist.. Uhhh, i mean, top tube and down tube.
See you Saturday.
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