The Fuel That You Need the First 2010 Non-Race

Greetings Team Seagal Fans. Certain ads come along from time to time that make you wonder if they were on the Zambian Lung Butter when they made it. Steven Seagal - the gift that keeps on giving:

Speaking of the upcoming non-race, info available here, spots are filling up fast so follow the instructions. A roster will be forthcoming.

Word has it that completing this Non-Race is harder than eating a cookie off of one's shoulder:

-Casey F. Ryback


Doctor said...

I am about 3/4 of the way through a case of Asian Experience this morning and no bikini girls yet. WTF? I guess I have to drink the whole thing

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Is that girl sizing up Robort and imaging what it would be like to taste his taint?

Marc said...

Prediction: Steven Seagal will go crazy in 10 years, the likes of which Gary Busey himself will only understand.

Brian said...

I have finally figured out what I'm supposed to do with "Cherry Charge." I'm supposed to swim it, not drink it. It's a relief, since every time I drank it I eventually had to puke and shit at the same time.

Beware of the things you accept for free from Team Seagal.