Rain Check

After looking at the weather in Potosi for Friday(rain), and then moar rain in the forecast for today(Sat) I am going to have to pull the plug on the Middlefork ride. I also got word from our good buddies TTM that the condition of the trail is still unconfirmed below Barton Fen. We will do this ride when conditions are better, and the trail has had some moar recon. Have a great 4th everyone and make sure you blow tons of shit up!


Luke said...

Rain sucks! I let the other Red Wheel guys know. Let us know when we can reschedule this Ultra-slow ride, and I'll be sure to be there.

Casey Ryback said...


Skeet Skeet said...

Conditions at CB today where as close to perfect as it gets.....

Casey Ryback said...

(so were conditions at Binder during the SS race...)