When: 8am, this sunday 6/14 weather permitting. I'm not showing if it is raining, which it might. keep an eye on the forecast.
Where: TC Man (14367 Manchester Road)
Where to: Westward bound
Why: Because what are you going to do, spend time with the family? Just look at what could happen if you do that:

In other news, congrats to our Soldiers who ventured over to SoBoCoMo to compete at the MWFTS #5! Gino in 3rd place in SS Class, and Jonathon Cold (our newest inductee) taking home 1st place in Beginners! This race saw Jerward and Cockjerk/Jerkpuncher finish 6th and 9th, respecively, in the SS class. So if the SS class only counted multiples of three, we would have podium sweepage! Jerktor snapped wrists all day for a 5th place finish in a stacked marathon class. The marathon class also saw the return of Marshall Lawson, who heard something about there being a nearby skatepark that is frequented by young boys, and couldn't resist. Whatever his motivation was, it was good enough to take 16th out of 24.
Don't forget about Short Track... only a few weeks away...
(This post was made moar teh funnies by awkwardfamilyphotos.com)
I believe Jerktor came in 15th meaning that my fat ass was right behind him, and in the words of the young, but wise Zach Haffner "Next time I'm coming for you"
Hey, if any seagal folks (gino?) need a ride to Durango in Sep, I'm driving by myself to Denver on Tuesday or Wednesday. In Denver, we'll pick up wife and baby at the airport, then drive the rest of the way probably thursday. let me know
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