Another Badass Stage Race!

So a couple of weeks ago, we at Team Seagal Headquarters moistened our panties after reading all about the BC Bike Race, and how mind-blowingly epic it would be to complete.

I've stumbled upon another stage race that is a little shorter, but also much closer, much cheaper, and in an spot that I've wanted to ride for years.

The American Mountain Classic Stage Race
Race Fee: $400 for individuals, $800 for teams (not $2000+) and no license required!
Where: Around Brianhead, UT (no visa or flying needed!)
When: Aug 20-23, 2009
Why: To not be a puh-ssay
More info here
and here.

In 2008, first and second place were separated by 5 SECONDS!

I think this race could be MUCH more feasible, but no less memorable for a number of reasons. The climbs and descents promise to have us grimacing like this:

And the constant exposure to the notoriously-intense Utah sun will no-doubt give us sun-burnt lips, and then we'll have to lick our lips like this guy:


State CX Championships this weekend...

-C.F. Ryback


Marc said...

Oh...that might be a possibility. If not 08, certainly 09.
And Oh, I don't remember any moistness in my shorts. Just what are you guys up to down there in the STL?

Mason Storm said...

If I don't get into the SSWC this year in Durango this year, u can count me in. F. Taft and I are currently planning on being at SSWC this year to represent Seagal to the fullest. This is also something all should look into.
BTW just got back for CX'ing in FOPO in the cold rain with The Dr, and the new jackets are the Shiznittlebamsnipsnapshit!

New East Coast Syndicate said...

If team Seagal is in then the East Coast Syndicate is in for a 4 day session of wrist snapping.
Saw Justice for the first time last night! Nothing better then the deli fight with numerous wrist snaps but best of all was the guy's hand pinned to wall by the cleaver

Marc said...

So, how serious are we about doing this? I could probably work it out, maybe even get more of the milwaukee contingent there too.

Anonymous said...

Or there is the Breckenridge Stage race in July. Even closer and cheaper.


Mason Storm said...

Come on fellas.....Single Speed World Championships in Durango Co Aug 6-9th. I doubt we get it in the USA for a 3rd year, so now is our chance to rock this shit!.