Matson, Matsoff (get it?)

Every time I see the phrase "Team Seagal" in print or displayed in rankings, I get a smile on my face. Then several fists come out of that smile. Our domination is as follows:

Men - 1x1
(not ranked)

Place Name Time Team
1 Andy Gibbs 00:57:04 Cyclery
2 Jim Krewet 00:58:12 DRJ Racing
3 Jeremy Bradshaw 01:00:45 Gateway
4 Edd Klein 01:02:29 Team Seagal
5 Bryan Adams 01:05:20 GORC / Dogfish
6 Chris Locke 01:09:03 Cow Town
7 Mike Hanna 01:14:36 Team Seagal
DNF Barry Blumenkemper Sunset

It takes no longer than 1 hour and 15 minutes for us to deal out lots of death. Prepare.

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