Kona Presents the Inaugural Process Challenge - WARNING!!! This video is very steez heavy

Greetings Team Seagal loyalists. While we mill around Team Seagal HQ waiting for the most amzOrs of news pertaining to a new beer sponsOr, what better way to pass the time than watch awesome new videos by KONA. Where better to watch than the summit of Mount Kohler....

 In this video, three of the biggest badasses to enter the world of bicycle racing, battle their way through one of the largest backcountry mountain biking tenures in the world. Their weapon of choice, one of the most comprehensive and superiOrly designed series of mountain bikes ever made: The Kona Process.

Enjoy the long, sweet ride!

This is your Titty, signing off. GTF!


Anonymous said...

Most Dearest Seagal Movie Bike Fun Club,

As I have kept tab on your most recent outcomes, I must inform of newer company results at Xing-Carbon-Xing:

*I am CEO of latest interation since last week due to production loss on eastern plant edge. The fire was contained but there was consequence and our formed CEO is no longer to run operations from where he now resides.

*The yak semen you speak most delightfully is in fact much sought after and Xing-Carbon-Xing has acquired a small portion from a Tibetan monk in the disputed region of Kunowchuan province in the small temple near Gobi zone. We can enrich one or all of our shipments to your fun movie club if tempted with desire. Simply reply with product preferred (remember 7500Kg minimum placement order).

*Our product list includes while above:
--Bubble 3x (newest revision)
--Hilton Maxx Dance Floor
--Race Fast Energy Beer
--Gangster Black Life All Grain Malt!!!
--Prideful Yak Length (extra wide mouth carbon can!!!!)
--China House Select
--Blue Moonshine (similar taste to western brand but not only better, cheaper!)
--Spent Grain Lighter Gradient
--Black House Amber Alert (latest refinement using genome sequencing!!!!!)

As you can with eyes, I am taking X-C-X to newer markets and as CEO I allow more sponsor options*

*Able to select inert AND active ingredients for placement in desired alcohol offerings prior to shipment.
*Only company on mainland China to offer GPS tracking on offered cans to Seagal fans. You may track your club fans through online phone app. No worry, gps technology in liquid NOT can so you see where they are, not the landfill of their choosing.
*GpS bonds to solids which I can see is a concern for Seagal bicycle movie club. This means you can track deletion patterns of your fan friends. Heavy data points for the mounted Kohler reference entity!?

Please relate your house decision soon as I have many weights of product to ship soon. Should you tell me soon the Yak breed I may be able to relay to our favored owned monk which yak to squeeze many times. Otherwise, we may sadden if we all learn yak is now turned dinnertime and the monk is in painful error.


Xing Ding

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Descending off Mt Kohler I too throw in a few tailwhips but to get rid of the klingons and not for show