It's Back!!! MFXC 4

That's right Team Seagal aficionados, it is time for another MFXC non-race: MFXC 4, it's twice as much number 2.

Saturday July 27th 9PM

Start: Council Bluff campground

Route: estimate of 25-30 miles (still in progress)

Stay tuned for more details.


Anonymous said...

B-Hole's-A-Blahzin. Energor be praised.


T. Scott said...


A big FU from PNW!

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Ttocs, hoof some copious amounts of jenkem and come to Burnin'

Doctor said...

I too will not take in any nourishment other than jenkem until mid october. Jenkem Doping. welcome to the Jenkem era of pro cycling. No test for it.

"it would be impossible to ride the tour without jenkem." -Cadel Evans, BMC Racing

"I believe that jenkem doping is widespread in the peleton at this tour." Alberto Contador, Saxo-tinkoff

"Get totally mini-vanned" -Chris Froome, Team Sky
