MFXC2011 Registration Opens NOW

Registration for the 2011 MFXC opens TODAY!

The 2011 edition of the Middlefork XC race will take place sometime in May, and it is only open to the first 75 to register. Register you say, but I thought Non Races are free?! They are, but this one is special so in order to get all the info(The Where, When, Why, and the WHAT!) You must mail me postcard containing your info, and if you are one of the lucky 75 you will receive all the race info in your mail shortly after. This race has only 3 cats. Men Open, Women Open, and SS Open. It will be 30-40mi mix of single track and country road. It will be one large loop, and expect finishing times to be roughly in the 3-5hr range. Registration closes Monday, March 28 2011. All postcards postmarked after March 28 will not be accepted.

MFXC2010 Blog Recap

Send your non race entry to...

Mason Storm
5912 Southwest Ave.
St. Louis MO 63139

Postcards must contain this info.

CAT(M,F,or SS)

2010 Men Open/Overall Winner Matt James 3:24:08
2010 Single Speed Open Winner Dan Fuhrman 3:24:50
2010 Women Open Winner Karen Holtman 4:44:46


Skeet Skeet said...

I finally have something to get excited about. Jerk.

Mason Storm said...

I bet a little of both!

Skeet Skeet said...

Both actually. I am making taco's for lunch and am going to try and forget about the weather for a few minutes.


Skeet Skeet said...


The drunkest I have ever been starting a race.... by a long shot!!

Skeet Skeet said...

Damn it. The link didnt work....

seamonkey said...

is there an award for most best heat stroke victim?

seamonkey said...

is there an award for most best heat stroke victim?

New East Coast Syndicate said...

TSM you better f#@king believe my entry is in the mail. Backup will be sent by carrier pigeon. Unless the roundhouse kicking hip completely explodes between now and then I am in. Will I be able to immerse myself it total Team Seagal culture with an assault on Dos Primos on the same trip (that is if it is en route)?

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Hope the business card in the envelope will do. They wouldn't take the handcuff off the ankle and chair to let me get real entry card.

Mason Storm said...

Cdubs if u wish we could enjoy DP before, during, and after! It is mos def en route! Hope to see you and your hip on the line this May!

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Score one for the hip! NECS is now under investigation by the WADA for doping - just got back from the hospital for a massive injection of cortisone right into the hip joint. X-rays show enough left for this season and doc indicated mucho Dos Primos would help ease the pain. Ready for deployment orders and booking the flight as soon as I have the dates. Nico will fill in on details and time to earn my stripes.

Skeet Skeet said...

Love card is in the mail. Mason, be prepaird to have your mind blown!!

Casey Ryback said...

i think Mason just offered some double penetration to CDubs. I hope he's not counting on me being the second dude, because I'm out!

New East Coast Syndicate said...

I hope it is the infamous triple dos primos and not the feared triple double penetration. I came to non race not film Deliverance - Middle Fork!

Jason Pryor said...
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Jason Pryor said...

Postcard sent. Hasta la victoria!

Ben_G said...

"f%$k hard. rider harder" -me

mfxc2011 is going to redefine "epic".
it may also redefine "f%$k", "ride", and "hard".

Mason Storm said...

Yes that's my address. Ride yo bitchass over and make the drop. 27 postcards are in safely as of 2/12/11.