So with all this pressure hanging over our heads, two Soldiers put in RFD's, (requests for deployment) which were granted from HQ. Subsequently, we found ourselves heading east into Illinois. Despite the fact that we're supposed to stay the hell out of that state, we went anyway. I, Casey Fucking Ryback, swung by the residence of the Tropical Storm to pick his bitch-ass up, with our second stop to get some pre-ride nourishment:
After delicious tots, burritos and whatnot, we continued eastward in hopes of making a Broadway/Chouteau/MRT connection. However, Energor must have not been happy with my offerings of yak semen, as he saw fit to send rain which flooded the Mississippi River, thus causing the flood gates to be closed:
So we turned around and crossed the McKinley Bridge, connected with the MCT Trails, and continued up towards Alton. Seen on the way:
So we get up to Alton hoping to stop in at Wild Trak Bikes and see what's up. We forgot to check the hours more specifically, because it's closed on Mondays, said the sign on the door. Strange thing though, lots of other businesses were closed on Mondays - we tried to eat at several places, but they were also closed. So we stopped in at the Subway mess hall, and crushed sandwiches, chips, juice, and cookies. Ooooweee - that shit lasted us another 3 hours before getting hungry again.
Journeying back the way we came, the tailwind was a relief, though the sun was plentiful despite the clouds. Our t'aints were not happy with us either. By the time we got back to Horseshoe Lake, we took a brief t'aint break, and stopped for some water. A pretty slick view is visible form this lake:
Pressing on, another stop allowed me a sneak peak at one of the fastest cars on the Hatian Speedway - the #15 Chevette!
-possible date for Chubb Challenge and the Vampire Century (night time century)
-dirt crits & track
-the possibility of doing Dirty Kanza next year (can't let the entire Red Wheel Team have all the fun..)
-July 4th Council Bluff Blowout
-How if we fuck up and make a mistake, we probably won't blame someone else (cough cough Trek steer tubes cough)
All of that is all well and good, but the real thing to get excited about is what may be the greatest movie of our generation coming out this summer, called "The Expendables." It pretty much has almost every good action star worth having in it.
Cast list:
-Jason Statham
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
-Dolph Lungren
-Jet Li
-Bruce Willis
-Mickey Rourke
-Steve Austin
It could be a bunch of dudes playing Parcheesi and drinking Smirnoff, and I would still camp out for days for tickets, then own the movie and watch it each night before bed. Two trailers have finally been released (though only one is showing up for osme reason):
If you don't see this movie, you're a pussy.
Come to the Dirt Crits.
-Casey F. Ryback
Thats a awesome view riding back into Alton. To bad our entire city smells like dead catfish at the moment. And its always windy on the levy trail. Too bad about WTB..... Jason made a great run at that place, 8 years. Im sure you know by now... bummin.
CB Blowout Sunday/Monday? Sweetness we will be in the area...
Bruce willis and the british bruce willis in one movie. Incredible.
By the way, from the pics it kind of looks like one of you wore a full kit and the other was incognito then you decided to share each others clothes. That's pretty sweet.
NIce job on the century, the NECS has our second annual Peekamoose 101 Non Race on 7/4 in an effort to emulate the masters of St. Louis. As for Scott's entire city smelling like dead fish, move away from the whore house dude.
Expendables is on Friday 13th of August!!
There should be a group ride to this!!
I'm in!!
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