It's Never Too Soon...

Greetings loyal Jerks. Unlike last year, we're actually experiencing a real spring right now, which includes mild temperatures and.... rain. The kind of thing that plays havoc on mountain bike courses is exactly what we want come mid to late October for glorious CX. I happened upon this and found it to be quite interesting.

This weekend is going to be nuts, and don't bother riding the MRT because it's flooded.


-Casey F. Ryback


Jeff Yielding said...


Emily K said...

Um, hi. I don't know any of you. And I have a kind of unrelated comment. But I have been coveting your Death by Hills route from earlier this year and I'm riding it on Memorial Day (Monday 31-May-10). If anyone wants to come out and play you are more than welcome. Starting from Lone Wolf at 7.30a.

New East Coast Syndicate said...

wow those guys can really haul ass up the stairs

Skeet Skeet said...

I was looking at my cross bike last night. Cant wait to ride that thing again.