Steven Seagal: Lawman! oh man...

Greetings Team Seagal Loyalistas! If you're anything like us, last Wednesday you were riveted to the TV watching A&E's new program, Steven Seagal: Lawman starring... you guessed it! Steven Seagal! OF course, you may have already known about this revolution in TV Badassery. But did you know that...

... he has set a ratings record for that network? Yeah that's right - more than just us watched that premiere (both episodes!) Gonna be watching it Wednesday as wHell - 9PM at Coach's house! Think about this, if you're not watching, he'll come get you...

Also, there may be some Cxmas-style gravel riding on Thursday with Nico and myself (the Coach) please post up if you want to ride...

-Casey F. Ryback, Regular Guy


New East Coast Syndicate said...

It is about time that the networks focus on getting us some quality TV and it is clear that after all of these years Seagal still has not lost that ability to see a drug deal going down on the streets.

Doctor said...

I can't believe I missed it. I have to get to somewhere with A&E tonight. My fragile mind will surely be blown.

Anonymous said...

Got 3 saved on the DVR. Now if I can find the time to watch them.

When and where are you guys riding gravel on Thur?


New East Coast Syndicate said...

It is not a case of find the time, this is gospel tv at it's finest. You have to make the time, send the wife to the spa and then hit play on the Tivo, you'll both be in bliss

Casey Ryback said...

Nico and I's gravel ride nevar fully materialized. Approximately 7 minutes into the ride, a chainring bolt decided that I was just too much for it and decided to remove itself from the crank. This set off a chain reaction as follows:

A) formerly strong chainring, now in a weakened state, literally snapped in half

B) chain removed itself from the bike

C) I came to a halt

D) I stared in disbelief, unable to comprehend the truth

E) Nico rode back to get the car

F) I mounted my steed onto his roof rack

G) We drove home

H) I grabbed a different bike, and we rode around Tower Grove and Carondelet Park.

Casey Ryback said...

By the way, Nico and I are going to try it again tomorrow (Friday) morning, probably leaving from his Dojo at 9, with the intention of being back so I can be at work at 3. Email me if you want to go...


Boob said...

I actually caught a cupple episodes of this greatness while on vacation in Branson yesterday. I had no idea Mr seagal was an esteemed dog trainer?

New East Coast Syndicate said...

I was amazed at the compassion that the Master displayed on last nights show, even shedding a tear! Now what we all want to know is when will he begin snapping some wrists.