Merry CXMAS Thanks

Wow. This years CXMAS was truly amazors. I am simply blown away by what occured.
Here are some of the numbers:
-132 non-racers signed in, plus many more who didn't
-over $700+ raised for GORC
-a dozen+ awesome teammates and other volunteers helping on course and setting up
-temperature that I don't think ever made it above 30
-8 cases of PBR consumed
-2 handles of whiskey before it was gone at checkpoint 2
-20 bottles of eggnog consumed

Thank you to all of you that showed up, participated, donated, whatever. I also wish all of you could see the course as originally envisioned. The brains collecting crew we hired would have been overwhelmed by the blown mind matter all over the course had it run as planned. Last minute changes to the route suck, but I understand the reasons and appreciate the care with which the area land manager approached us on that. Top notch. I do want to apologize to those of you that got lost (probably almost all of you). I did not realize so much of the ribbon was taken down. Plus with the last minute course changes I didn't have time to go back and remark all of the course buried in snow, relying instead on the no longer their tape to be good. But you guys and gals are a great group and stuck with it having a blast a long the way. Thanks for being a part of it. You can tell your grandchildren about the time you rode down 25 miles of ice with 130 other people just to pick up 3 lousy zipties.

In my haste to get the prizes out so those there could head home for warmth, I forgot some top-notch prizes that were still in another vehicle at the eggnog station.
Read all about it on the CXMAS blog. You just might be winner.

Also check the key RESULTS at the CXMAS blog too.

And if you weren't there, WTF?!

Stay tuned for Coach's recap and those smooth flowing rhymes.

1 comment:

New East Coast Syndicate said...

132 Non Racers - Cult Status Achieved