Will My NJS-Approved Bike Be Awesome at CX?

I totally am stealing this from the Red Wheel site - I think a lot of StL people can very much appreciate this... especially if you've ever been on an FBC ride. Or at least, one of the more recent FBC rides.

Hipsters discussing CX:

This weekend will be a departure for most of us - no outside drinks means we might have to have a Chablis-handoff or too. Stemware might be a bad idea...

-Casey F. Ryback


Marc said...

Oh my gosh! I almost spit coffee all over my computer. heheheeheh

Erik said...

I strongly disagree, I think stemware would be a fantastic idea...

Casey Ryback said...

well, stemware would be a great idea if re-enacting one glorious scene from Steven Seagal's classic flick "The Patriot."

Doctor said...

Do I go apeshit on someone with stemware? (I still haven't seen my own movie, but as I understand it, this movie was the beginning of the end of his career).

PS. I totally dropped a fuji in my pants when I saw that video. Too bad that weren't tight pants.

Bob Jenkins said...

Many fujis shall be dropped when you mofos see the Monstarcrawss this weekend!!! Be there or re-live your virginity!!!

Johnson said...


check the new(ish) blog. it will soon be very awesome.


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