Here we spy Nico getting up close and personal with the Rockies.
Colorado driving makes all the miles disapear.
Caught up to the Cannondale team car on its way home from the Tour of MO.
Enlarge photo, read, and then thank me later.
Caught some Kona's also getting ready to crush the rockies!
Part 1 of the 3 part "Oh Snap! No U did'unt" series of Robort photos.
What is that?!
MARLEY! Robort likes dogs!
Riding Brad's(Col. Austing Travis) backyard
Thinking of Marley.
Nico and Taft climbing.
Taft in the Animas MTN's, Durango.
Lawson climbing to some poor dog's rescue in Durango.
Double It!
Outside Downtown D-Town.
Post race meal at Old Timers...Get the OTC Burger if ever there! Tots, Hatch chile sauce, Cheese, 12oz of BEEF! HOLY SHIT!
Nicorn Torscani
Piedra River & hike to hotsprings.
Gayndolf the river wizard.
Storm and Taft in some natural hot tubs.
Good Night!
SSWC09 was such a great event, no photos can really do the trip justice, nor could I have a better group of Doodz to experience the trip with. Taft actually thought he could battle Coach in a gas off!?! He has no idea.
Thanks for stopping by, and check back soon for Cock Punchers photo diary of 2009 Interbike weekend...what a Jerk.
Gay-dolf the River Wizard looks like he was about to tell you guys that "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
I can only imagine the benefits of riding in a small vehicle with a group of dudes after consuming that magnitude of grease/beef...
The question we all want answered....did the dog blow some ass gas?
NECS (Wurster), the question is more like "Did Robort blog some dog nads?"
Wow, just like Marely and Me. Fuck I miss d-town.
Dorctor is corrorct, my gors is quorte torriblor. No one can tourch the Croarch.
I'm up for the challenge. 10:00, post Burnin' I will have consumed tons of weird shit and will put it to you.
I choose to live vicariously through your western ventures(wish I could have gone with)
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