The 2009 Levis-Trow 100: Nico's Special Delivery

Good day single speed racing fan. In mid-July Team Seagal made a pilgrimage deep into the northern US territory to attend a special event, The Levis-Trow 100 in Hatfield, WI. Our diabolical plan to rendezvous with Team Seagal MKE and wreak havok within the ranks of the Wisconsin Endurance Mountain Series was a great success - details of our collective exercise in wrist destruction are now officially DE-classified so read on without fear good friend.

The author is me, Mr. Nico Toscani. I was hand delivered from my home near the southern border of Forest Park to the race venue, a journey spanning three states and lasting nearly 11 hours. Masorn Storm drove the first leg starting in St. Louis and ending in Milwaukee at Shop Ministor's fancy new home right near Lake Michigan. Within minutes of our arrival my belongings were loaded into Ministor's car and we dove straight into leg two of the trip, Milwaukee to Hatfield (Masorn stayed the night with family in the MKE, he met up with us in the AM the next day). Pretty much, I didnt have to do shit all day but just sit in shotgun [in control of the ipod] and sample the secret concoction of Chinese herbs and rare Tibetan Gogi Berries that was prepared for our consumption in advance by our Dr. friend Wesley.

Wisconsin is a very cool place by my account. Ministor pointed out many interesting things to me along the way to the race course, I'll never forget the sight of my very first cranberry bog. Team Seagal MKE minus Ministor had arrived to the Levis-Trow Mound earlier in the day. They greeted us graciously with delicious PBR and a killer campsite that was already set-up. Here is the view straight out of the front door of our tent:

The start/ finish was just off to the left in the above photo. The LeMans style start had us run beside the treeline left to right towards our bikes staged near the tents in the distance. We then disappeared into the woods for a 13.5 mile loop of totally sweet, I.M.B.A. Epic rated dankness that included a little bit of everything...

We had soldiers entered into both the 50 mile and the 100 mile battles. Let me assure you, all who adorned the blue and black of Team Seagal reigned victorious, each with superior attitude and superior state of mind flowing through all open orifices.





The Author:

All Together Now:

Throughout the entire day Team Seagal registered zero mechanicals, not even a punctured tube. New friends were made, delicious PBR was toasted, and tubed meats were crushed and deposited down our throat-holes. It was the middle of July and we had to wear sweatshirts and pants to stay warm after the sun went down. The 13.5 mile loop had two stocked aid stations and the entry fee for the 100 mile race was only $35! We absolutely LOVED this course and this race, on our honour we solemnly promise to return to west central Wisconsin next summer with a bigger army and many more PBRs.

The day concluded with a surprise podium appearance by the author who took 3rd place in the 100 mile Solo Single Speed Category, definitely the best finish ever in my racing career:

Thanks for stopping by, RIM is looming and Team Seagal is ready. Don't fight it; go ahead and roll your sleeves up now so we can have better access to your frail wrists...there will be no mercy, you better run for your ass [or from Coach's]!


Marc said...

good pictures of the course, sir! Don't forget that Tony Long Thumbs and Scott were there as well.
P.S. I love your dirt leggins in the last photo.

Trail Monster said...

Must have been the "Rare Tibetan Gogi Berries" that made you so fast in the northland.

Great trail, maybe TTM will join ya on the next running.

Matt Schweiker said...

Awesome photobomb in the group picture! Euro dude has on his g-string bottoms. Sexcellent.

Living a Lie said...

Nice work NICO!! I will be at the RIM offering suppressing fire.

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Nico, way to rock and snap some wrists....must be the herbs and goji berries! Good to see the team out in numbers.

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Time to go snap some race organizer wrists, they have Nico down as Team Seagul!

Casey Ryback said...

Man, I also love crushing tubed meats.

Did you guys get the name of that babe wearing the blue shirt on the right side of the group photo?

RIM is going to be crushed. Absolutely fucking crushed.

Anonymous said...

Dear God! What about the guy in the speedo behind her!

Anonymous said...

That speedo guy kinda looks like Nick Smith from Team Red Wheel.

Marc said...

That speedo guy actually raced the ss champs just like that.

New East Coast Syndicate said...

I think the guy in the banana hammock has a bigger set of tits then the babe in the blue shirt