*Big* Ride "coming" up

Alright chuckle-heads, a couple of us at Seagal HQ have a ride in the works, to which you are invited. It'll be a long one, like really long. Think John Holmes long.

When: Friday, April 24
Where: Middlefork Trail
How: victoriously
Who: you, as long as you aren't a douchebag

The ride: A double-lap of Middlefork and fireroads. We'll ride from the DD trailhead down the trail, "bailing out" on the gravel road at Strother Creek (at about the 20 mile mark.) We'll take the gravel roads back to the vehicles where we will refuel and have a short lunch. Then we'll do it again. It's about a 32-33 mile loop, done twice. Figure a ratio of 2/3 badass singletrack, and 1/3 gravel road (mostly flat with one MONSTER climb.)

We'll want to be on the trail as early as possible, and we will also want to bring a shitload of food and water. Expect like 7-8 hours to do the whole thing. The more the merrier, though everyone's pace might be different, which can be discussed ahead of time. We won't be running race pace, but rather trying to keep it steady.

To mentally prepare your mind for the level of awesomeness that you are likely to experience, watch this video 5 times a day until the ride. I am...

I think that's all I've got...

-Casey F. Ryback


nitch said...

This is the morning following our Team Meeting. I smell pain. I will be at the orifice and not able to make it. Enjoy....Puncher

Anonymous said...

That video is my new theme....


MC Stankles said...

Hay Guise, XTRANDR wonts to ryde bykes. In order to stay true to our heritage Nico Goscinski and I have to show up early and do a lap of Council Bluff in the dark to warm up.

Doctor Goscinski

Trail Monster said...

Is this a friedaenite sleepover?

Casey Ryback said...

Could be? We'll have to determine this...

Doug said...

Sounds like a great warm up for the Dirt Sweat & Gears 12 hour. How early are you talking? I'll try and swing it. I'll try and drag Goscinski along too.

Doug Pierce
(Im the guy in the pic labeled sweeeet!)

Peat said...

Hell yeah.

Starting time?

Marc said...

Guess what I voted for as my favorite event?

Casey Ryback said...

start time - earlier the better, like 8. We'll try iron it out soon.

Marc? We know you're not racin' or nuthin', i mean, it's a good bike...