Ryback and Storm Attack Chubb and Find That Snow Is Bullshit

Today was a day of days. And by that, I mean that Mason and I attempted to slap the shit out of the Chubb Trail. Thermometer read about 22 deg and sunny, so we saddled up in the Lone Elk parking lot and pointed down.

You know there is some nasty bullshit ahead when hikers, who aren't even technically on the same path as you, are yelling at you (while you're still riding) that "It's really icy down there!"

Turns out, they were right! Despite a heavy snowstorm a week ago along with a couple of 50 deg days, it was as if it had snowed yesterday. The snow was 3 or 4 inches deep in some areas, but the big issue was the footprints of hikers that had compacted the snow underfoot and turned most of the trail surface into a washboard of icy footprints, with some patches of snow mixed in for traction. Kind of like riding in a muddy cow pasture that had just frozen - slow, bumpy progress. It was one of the only times that we would have liked some fat, studded tires.

No matter, we are badasses. And as badasses, we overcome all obstacles. We blazed a path of destruction up to the staircase, and promptly snapped its icy, snow-covered wrist. Up and down multiple times on camera. Want proof? Here you go. So, as Turbonegro sez, "Get It On."

We were short on time, and made it back just as the sun set. From there, Mason had to go take care of business, and I went to a party with some of my friends:
Once that trail starts to melt, it'll be a sloppy, disease-infested, sewage-pipe of a trail surface.

In other news, I have glorious plans related to our road-riding future. It involves a route that will stretch roughly 125 miles of good local roads, one of which might see you poking your head north of 60 mph. Yeah.

Stay tuned.

-C.F. Ryback


Marc said...

That footprint riddled ice under snow can ruin your whole day. It is like riding over a continuous line of icy monkey heads.
In other related news, I think I was at that party too! Surprised I didn't see you, but it was a big retirement home.

Casey Ryback said...

You may have seen me, I was the one in the Parcheesi Room shooting up a cooked mixture of Geritol-tablet-powder and Polident in-between my toes, all while wearing nothing but Depends.

Anonymous said...

I've never thought of that combo coach. I have been rocking up Gold Bond medicated powder and freebasing it since, well, I can't remember when. Let's put it this way, my lungs don't itch or have ringworm. Do you think you could introduce me to the woman sitting down throwing up. She looks easy.

Casey Ryback said...

She IS easy, brah - she's gagging because I was just.... well... nevermind.