Moar Short Track pictures

Look out Gino! Tom is after your delicious PBRs! You know he can't get enough... (courtesy of "gss")

Gino motoring through (courtesy of "gss"):

You can't stop the Ascent!

Yours truly and Matt, of Wash U. He kicked my ass.

In other news, Rapture in Misery is looming closer and closer every day. Many of our brave Seagal soldiers will be deployed to the 12hr Solo class, with little regard for their own well-being. Yet others will be looking to dominate the 12hr Duo class. We are receiving word that we will not be the only StL team participating. Apparently this team will be going too:

Of course, if I were to try a 12hr Solo attempt, it would most certainly be a losing battle from the start. "Futile" would accurately describe it in the same way it describes this scene:

My expression would be pretty similar each time I would pass through the start/finish as well.

-C. Ryback

P.S. Trifecta on Saturday, anyone?


Marc said...

Coach Ryback, the thought of the websites you must visit to get the pictures you do gives me the pee-shivers.

Casey Ryback said...

The thought what a "pee-shiver" is gives me the "poo-shivers."

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Love the old school Diamond Back with the curved fork. Haven't seem one of those since disco died!
As for the ladies heard the last one is prize for second place.

MC Stankles said...

Pee-shiver? is that like a for arm shiver to the ding ding? And i dont think it is nice to post pics of mikes mom on the blog.


Marc said...

Pee-shiver, you know, that uncontrollable convulsion you get sometimes when finally get to pee after having to go for a while.

Casey Ryback said...

Oh, it wouldn't be the "poo-shivers," it would be the "poo-orgasms" because it feels SO good to relieve the pressure after a long time holding it in.

Is it awkward in here, or is it just me?

Mason Storm said...

"Poo-Orgasms"....What kind of team is this?

Boz said...

I don't know what's more disturbing. Pics on the site or the commentary that followed this post. Pee-shivers, poo-shivers, and poo-o'asms. Ugh!

Marc said...

My comment was a totally innocent descriptive term. You can thank the Coach for the downward spiral!

Gino said...

That's it! I'm joining Mesa where all I'll have to listen to is discussions on proper ironing techniques for keeping your kit purty and which embrocations make your legs look the best.

Anonymous said...

My mom recently had her pants altered at a tent repair place, and with a little lube she gets into them just fine now.

Andy said...

Hell, I'm seriously considering the futility of trying to race 12 hours after not doing much since my futile attempt at Breck, so you need to do it! Just thinking about dead last place after 12 hours gives me the pee-poo-whatever-shivers...