NORBA #3 - A few Castlewood teaser pictures, and other photos

Greetings, Casey Ryback here. Saturday at Castlewood was the sight of many epic battles for what is essentially the premier NORBA race of the year. Four of our hardened soldiers (Shop Minister, Dr. Wesley McLaren, Nico Toscani, and Mason Storm) were deployed to the front lines of the Singlespeed class in search of victory slathered in glory. I, Casey Ryback, being the "responsible adult" that I am, was forced to work that day, but I did stay long enough to snap a few photos of the start of the race.

There was a huge number of racers overall - 136! - and for us to have another podium finish is HUGE! The Singlespeed class of 12 was, well, stacked. Of course Matt Keeven took first - the only way he can lose this series is if he stopped showing up. I'm convinced it is the baller-tastic white rims that match his white frame and white kit. Second was Mike Barrow, with the 3rd place taken up by our own Shop Minister! Nico took 5th, Mason 10th. Dr. Wesley McLaren must have gotten too awesome for his frame, for it went snap.

In addition to the racers at this event were also a number of spectators to this glorious sport, AND our local Pabst rep, Dave Aholt who deserves a BIG thanks for supplying the tent and all the cold PBRs! He was amazed with the turnout to say the least. Dave and PBR have been super-supportive of what we're trying to do, and we hope to try expand our relationship with them for future events! He also managed to snap a bunch of photos, which we'll post up as soon as we get a hold of them.

Shop Minister shows the proper way to position your body when talking to anyone:

Nico proves that our new kits look better than everyone else's even when having just pissed in the woods:

What a great place to spectate:
Huge sport class - notice the Wheels West jersey:

Since mountain bike racing is ALL about the looks, I'll say that Team Seagal looked pretty f***cking good on the line:

More reports to come from people that actually took part in the race.

Chris Ploch and Dave Breslin showed everyone just what a close, hard-fought XC race is supposed to look like - what an epic battle of the local mtb-ing gods!

Big congrats to Marshall Lawson who FINALLY made it through a race this year without having some sort of massively expensive mechanical failure, and managed to cross the line with Bob Arnold in the expert class! He showed everybody that when his stuff works as it should, he definitely deserves to be racing expert class.

In other news, look at my new rig:

I keep the size sticker on there so you know how huge I am. As shown in the photo, it is 23lbs 11 oz, though I expect it to drop once I put on the race tires and my super-baller hollow-link/hollow-pin gold chain!

Lastly, when you watch the movie On Deadly Ground, you will see this great image (sorry for poor picture quality):
That photo is amazing on SO many levels.

Oh yeah, I'm free on thursday and Sunday - Heartland Race in St. Joseph, MO on Sunday; the more people go, the cheaper the gas! Who wants to do a long ride on thursday? I'm thinking Middlefork or a trifecta... This is an open invitation...

-C. Ryback

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice horse, Ryback! Thursday's sounding pretty good indeed--I should have my bike back together by then. What's the over-under on mechanicals for this ride??