Team Seagal Century--Hills anyone?

Leg Busting Hill Route Wednesday April 23rd
Okay, the route isn't quite the full 100 but we can add on the few we need at the end. As previously posted the route begins and ends at the corner of Big Bend and Clayton. There is a large parking lot in the vicinity, we will meet in the Office Depot parking lot on Ethel and Big Bend so we are not standing around in traffic. The ride begins at 8:30am. That way we only hit the tail end of the morning traffic and the beginning of the afternoon traffic. The pace will not be a crawl but this is a no drop ride. This ride is open to everyone. Bring food, water and money for more food and water, as well as a Superior Attitude. Be sure to check the elevation at the bottom of the interactive (Ooo, interactive) map.

View Interactive Map on MapMyRide.com

It's time to earn our Bread 'n Butter


Anonymous said...

I can never hope to attain Seagalness, but I am a distant admirer. I plan to join in wed, with my roadie shaved legs, build and gear. So, to keep the mockery to a minimum, I have a few questions:

1) is spandex allowed?
2) if so, which kit will receive the least comment:
a) a pretentious, yellow West County team kit
b) a green local educational institution kit
c) Ernie & Bert
d) generic Pearl Izumi

See you out there -- Jeff K

Marc said...

Spandex will be worn by most. I would wear the kit that feels the best after 100 miles of hills. I'll be sportin' my Seagal kit.

Unknown said...

A most outstanding time. You guys are GREAT! And I hope to ride with you all again soon.

Check the ride out here: