Why is Steven praying you ask? Well if you don't already know yours truly(M. Storm)has accepted the challenge of racing some extreme fully suspended rider to a battle royale at Chubb Trail this Monday Aug 13 @ 5pm. The idea is to set up a time trial on a specific section of the trail and see who can finish the distance the quickest. All are welcome to come ride with me to victory, and it is looking like an open race to anyone who would like to test there luck at one of missouri's finest biking trails. What started out as a semi serious discussion on stlbiking's message board has exploded into something no amount of chinese herbs could quite. I expect to see the usual suspects there, and I will have cold refreshments for the after ride party(victory party that is)
Lacking Goji berries and Cordyceps, superior state of mind is the only thing that got me out of the bush on Monday, bloody Monday. Thanks for getting me to the drop zone to meet my contacts. America is proud of the service you have afforded her.
You guys are the bestest!
No problem man. I am glad you showed up to the race, otherwise it would have been a bust. Hope the arm has a speedy recovery.
No doubt, Furby. It's evidenced by how you took that flippity-flap gash to the arm that you have been fortifying your body with the Chinese Herbs - here's to a speedy recovery and maitain that superior attitude. Good luck mang.
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