Hear ye, Hear ye - Due to Team Seagal's vast network of connections and high level business contacts, we have managed to secure another Aidstation. So that means, in addition to the two gas stations you'll pass by (at miles 29 and 75) there will also be a stop at approximated mile 43.

Generously offered up by yo' boy Jay S., you can expect to find coolers of water, delicious beers, some places to sit, and even some bike tools and a workstand, in case you feel as though your headset cups may not be pressed in all the way, or if your bottom bracket needs to be faced a little better.

For those of you familiar with the route and the roads out there, this will be at the top of the big Melrose climb. Once descending Glencoe Road through Rockwoods Reservation, you'll swing around and start the big 2-part ascent of Melrose towards Allenton Road. At the top of that climb, on the right you'll find your Jays Aids Station.

And for those of you having done this ride long enough, this will be maybe 1/2 mile past the spot where Thrash0r had the big spread of cake leftovers for a couple years. Oooooweeee. Just thinking of Thrash0r's cake in my mouth makes my saddle region feel all tingly.

So to recap, you can get water at miles 29, 43 and 75.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go drop some serious heat in Coach Ryback's stink lodge.



10th Annual Death By Hills! CANCELLED


Greetings, Team Seagal Tifosi! It's that time of year again, where we resurrect the corpse of this once-heralded bl0rg as if it were the star of Weekend at Bernies 2. I can't believe there's *anything* I've done for 10 years aside from wiping properly and drinking too heavily. And here we are, about to set out for another jaunt around the hills of west county.

When: RESCHEDULED - NEW DATE: March 11th, Sunday - 9AM - that's CLIP-IN AT 9AM

Where: starts at Kehrs Mill and Clayton Road in Ballwin, across the street from The Wolf Public House in the big parking lot for the "Claymont Shopping Center"

What:        Riding this route:

More details: This is a long ride - you will go up a 20% percent grade numerous times - like 3 times, just in the first 10 miles. Also, there will only be 2 places to refill water or snacks - once at the Allenton Road gas station  in front of Six Flags, (mile 28 or 29) and then not again until the other gas station at mile 80 or so - at the corner of Eatherton and Wild Horse Creek Road. So that is nearly a 5 mile stretch - PLAN YOUR WATER AND FOOD ACCORDINGLY.  Additionally, there is NO support on this ride beyond what you arrange.  This is all pavement, and with a few exceptions, very good pavement - skinny tires (23c) are good to go. There are plenty of bailouts, and you are never more than 30-45 minutes from the start point.

No routes markers are provided, but you can print off a cue sheet or download the GPS file as seen above! Otherwise, get on the buddy system!

Pace: Anything you want. Not a hammerfest unless you make it one. I'll be riding 90+ miles as fast as a 215lb sack of turds can reasonable do, which isn't very fast.

Cost for Entry: $0

What about the weather: You can do whatever you want, but I am out if it is below freezing, or raining, or snow. Probably do it the following Sunday - the 11th maybe?

So get your rear derailleur's low limit screw properly adjusted, because you finna be in that big cassette cog all gatdamn day!

-Casey Ryback