Monty's Revenge Update



Achtung! Atencion! ATTENTION! Fec-Kar is Cancelled! (For now)

You there! Listen up! If you had planned on embarking on this manly ride on Sunday, the Fec-Kar, then rest easy.

Much like the pressure that has been building all day ending up in a massive shit, you should be breathing a sigh of relief. On account of almost guaranteed rain, very few people who were definitely showing, and (by design) no provisions for a broom wagon or sag support of any kind, continuing with this super burly ride could actually lead to some problems. The projected 50-60 degrees could be super awesome all day in the sun... but... those same temperatures in the rain would be more miserable than having that one dumbass dump his huge beer all over you while he's is foolishly standing at the edge of the mosh pit. (Why the fuck do people do that?)

So in the interest of not sending people out on a death-march, stand down, get your bike m0ar dialed-in, and study those maps more closely. And stay tuned, as this ride is too badass to not reschedule. No word yet on when that will be, but to help temper yourself, you had better start taking a belt-sander to your t'aint now to get that callous nicely grown in.

In the meantime, I think that Simpsons were channeling Slayer here:

On Behalf of Pizz0rThyme,
-Casey F. Ryback

Gather round you FeC-Kars

The day has come. Here are the routes for the FeC-Kar 110 and the Lil FeC-Kar 70.


FeC-Kar 100 Map

Lil FeC-Kar 70 Map

100 and 70 Supplement Map

PDF VERSIONS if you'd rather have them:
-hosted at a possibly sketchy upload service. It was free... Anyway don't click on anything except the "Free" button on the first page, once it's enabled, and the black "download" button on the next page. And have your pop-up blockers on too. Otherwise your dirty japanese businessman-schoolgirl spanking porn on your computer will meld with the link you just clicked to destroy your computer. Such a scenario may or may not have been tested already.

FeC-Kar 100 Map

Lil FeC-Kar 70 Map

100 and 70 Supplement Map

I know most of you are as excited as Criss Angel at his first day as the school bus driver for an all boys parochial school. For those of you who feel more like the boy whose stop is the last one on the way home on that bus, don't worry the FeC-Kar is guaranteed to be the most fun you've had on a bike (guarantee not valid for any bike riding occurring in the state of missouri).

It still looks very likely to be raining most of the day on Sunday, but I'm still camping overnight from Saturday so I will be there at the boat launch parking lot Sunday morning. At that time we can see who shows up. Truthfully if it's only a handful of people the non-race is off. I will give those there some instructions and that will be it. No scoring. No water drops. If a bunch of people are there the FeC-Kar is on and we'll say "FeC-K you" to the rain.

-Gino "the FeC-Kar" Felino


FeC-Kar Update Numero Deuce

Here's another update as the day gets closer...


From what it sounds like I'm not sure how many will be doing the 110 route (you should. it's the best of the two), but for those looking to non-race this is the only option.

I mentioned needing a camera in the earlier post. If you choose to non-race you will be required to take pics along the route to serve as checkpoints. You will then need to show those pics to me at the finish. All of the pic spots will be marked on the map. So take with you whatever you want to use and carry. Most of the pics should be takeable while barely slowing down, much less stopping. Team Seagal assumes no liability for your inability to take a picture while riding. Any falls that may occur are, while hilarious, entirely your own fault. If someone gets a picture of you falling we will reward the picture-taker appropriately.


Maps of the course will appear on this website on Friday morning for your viewing and printing.


Just a reminder that you need to be largely responsible for your own water. I will have 4 water jugs on course at two spots, but since we don't know how many riders/non-racers there will be I wouldn't count on them for most of your water, but you probably don't need to look this guy:

***Also this time of year the water is normally off at Council Bluff campground so you need to bring all of your water with you.***

The forecast is currently calling for rain on Sunday. I might cancel the FeC-Kar (or reschedule) if the weather turns really bad. Rain alone will not cancel it. The weather looks great Friday and Saturday so lets hope it persists into Sunday.