I journeyed to the Boston Bling's Party House early Wed morning to go with he and DrewB in DrewB's Party Wagon, with plans to meat Mr. Albert for some fun hill-biking. And boy, did we go up some hills. 1.4 laps later for Mr. Albert, 2 laps later for myself and DrewBalls, and 3 laps later for OrangeSunglasses, we were sore, tired, not terribly dirty, and craving a Mexican. More specifically, a Mexican dinner. (They were also more enlightened as to the existence of "Leroy Jenkems" by this point.) I think it should be noted that this is the first Council Bluff trip that has NOT included Dos Primos in... I can't remember. Instead, the Party Wagon hads its course set on Los Portales, in Hillsboro. The food was at least on par with Dos Primos, no doubt about it! Also, the Mexican beer specials flowed like wine, and the beautiful women flocked like the salmon of Capistrano. Unfortunately for Los Portales, the Ace up the sleeve for Dos Primos is excellent proximity to Council Bluff.
Our next stop was DQ, where we nearly had to... do "bad things" involving a funnel to the cashier who thought he screwed up my blizzard. He's was like an earthworm when a comet nearly collides with earth - completely oblivious to how close it came to being destroyed.
Anyway, the trail. It was in fantastic shape. Two of the usual mud spots between the bridge at the OT connector and the fire-road climb, and a handful of soft (not sloppy) spots on the shady areas on north slopes. It was aided by a thermometer reading of 70 degrees, and the Sun. Not to rub it in, but I had sweat dripping down my face, and I may have gotten a little burn on my arms! The rest of the trail (97%) was in perfect shape with some extra leaves.
Depending on if it gets any rain, (which as of Thursday 26th at 1:30, it doesn't appear to have) it should be only getting better. This weekend or maybe next week should be good to go, so if you get the time, gather your shit up and go practice your Rim Wrecker laps. You might try to add to your Rim Wrecker training by bringing a life-sized poster of Furby and setting it somewhere alongside the trail, and on each lap, crop-dust the shit out of him. HAHA!
Finally, I would like to pass on a book recommendation that was suggested to me by Robort:
-Casey F. Ryback